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  • vax doxxing

    Posted by trae-satterfield on December 16, 2021 at 1:45 pm

    In my latest installment of local batshit liberal covid nonsense, I have a story about something that happened to a coworker of mine. He is a Facebook guy, uses it pretty regularly, and a conservative independent, politically. I enjoy our conversations about things because we have much more commonality than I would with the average Trump loving “conservative.”

    Anyway, the other day he starts telling me a story about what happened when he posted a link to an ivermectin study, (peer reviewed, large sample size, and from a reputable organization.) on our local health departments Facebook page. Inevitably, the army of covid zombies popped up to tell him what a horrible person he is for proposing that this disease can be treated instead of just insisting that vulnerable people get sick and die unnecessarily. This is pretty standard, and as he likes to do, he trolled the fuck out of that comments section with lets go Brandon memes and generally made fun of the irate commenters for being ridiculous. Almost exactly the approach I would have taken myself, and we’ve had several conversations about why that’s actually the strategy that holds the most promise. At this point in the story I’m amused, but it takes a dark turn.

    The next day he receives a text message from a group claiming to be “the concerned citizens of Jefferson county” informing him of all the information that literally everyone has heard at this point. He responds, which in retrospect may have been a mistake, that everyone has heard this and that if someone hasn’t gotten vaxxed yet, its because they made a decision, not because they’re uninformed. Of course the response is something along the lines of “well we know its safe and effective, so does this change your mind about the Biden vaccine?” Commence the trolling. lol. He sends a couple more memes making fun of liberals and covid, and they respond with his full name, and his mailing address, which is a PO box, saying they will be sending him an “information packet” in the mail. Of course, this brings things to a new level, as up until now, it had seemed to just be anonymous messages from a local busybody text spamming group. He replies to not waste the postage because he wont be reading it, and they respond with “well why don’t we just send it to your house” and send him his home address. At this point he’s concerned, as he has a wife and two kids at home and works about 45 minutes away. His home is in a rural area, so their neighbors are not within earshot.

    I don’t recall what he responded, but they begin to send copy pasted local ordinances and laws that they think support their argument that everyone has to get this vaccine and at this point he stops responding.

    Of course, I offered to help him by spamming the sender with hundreds of pictures of infected and prolapsed assholes because that’s just the kind of upstanding and principled man I am. He thought it was hilarious but didn’t take me up on the offer.

    This story disgusts and angers me. Is there no level too low for these people to sink to? How much further are they willing to go with this sort of tactic? How much longer before this devolves into true violence? I am not looking forward to what may come of this, and I sincerely hope it stops before we are forced to uphold our basic right to bodily autonomy with violence. To be fair, it’s clear who will win if it comes to that, but it is absolutely not the way we want to win this fight.

    Stay safe my friends. Don’t let them inject you against your will.

    bryon-rogers replied 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • bryon-rogers

    December 16, 2021 at 11:51 pm

    fuckin’ creeps.