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  • Narzack

    Posted by coursin-hill on April 5, 2022 at 5:57 am

    Narwhal and Yaboi Zack have an imprint called Narzack. The latest book IS This You came with the option to get all 3 Narzack books and I did just that so I will review them all here starting with:

    P.O.D. Payment on Delivery

    An alien race makes a treaty with Nazi Germany that modern humanity has to scramble to fulfill. It’s a funny premise and it wraps up in a fantastic way. I definitely recommend the read.


    The Cold War fervor never leaves America and the USA turns into a purely militaristic society like Ancient Sparta. The premise and the world are very interesting but that isn’t fleshed out as much as I would have liked. The main plot is still well done and hits good emotional beats so it’s still a pretty good read in my book.

    Is This You?

    An immortal deals with cancel culture. The idea is funny and it does have a simple plot that is funny and easy to follow. The main character Alaster Belmont does only get cancelled over a singular event and not all the past he had as his life as an immortal which seemed like it would be the case when Zack was talking about the book. It’s a bit ridiculous but so is cancel culture. I did love reading it and I bet you would too.

    All the art is done by Narwhal and his style is unique and a bit weird which may be off-putting to some but personally it draws me in. I do hope more Narzack books come out in the future since their ideas are very interesting. If you can find these books for a decent price used or if they sell them again on another IGG campaign then I don’t think you’ll regret the purchase. At least I didn’t.

    garret-nichols replied 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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