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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 146: How do you feel about pornography?

  • erzcel-boyd

    April 17, 2022 at 2:52 pm

    Any amount of porn consumption is too much.

  • hunter-rojas

    April 17, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    I agree with Tanaka; consuming any kind of pornographic content is one too many, and the first step to a potentially bad mindset.

    What doesn’t help either is how hypersexualized our current culture has become. A LOT of media has suggestive material, which can begin that curiosity. Being a Christian, I feel that sex ought to be reserved for a married couple and should stay within marriage. However, I’m also human and get that not everyone simply wants to wait until then.

    My opinion? If you’re going to be sexually active, at least be safe. Avoid the pornos, develop a healthy relationship, use protection. It’ll be much more satisfying.

    • shem-gyll

      April 19, 2022 at 12:36 pm

      Literally a poison. especially when it is free. There will always be a market for it though, just like the oldest profession. Needs to be stigmatized to enact any change.

  • daniel-hohnsbehn

    April 24, 2022 at 10:46 am

    It’s one of the worst things we deal with in today’s society. The effect on the mind, especially on young people that get exposed to it, is completely ignored by the mainstream.

    Best to stay away from it.