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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 148: How do you feel about climate change?

  • shem-gyll

    April 19, 2022 at 10:34 am

    Not sure if you remembered this, but it used to be called global warming, but that narrative fell through when the earth showed signs of cooling. We also know that project Veritas exposed CNN propaganda attempt to push this fear porn. That being said, the planet’s climate has been changing forever, the small impact humanity has on it, IMO is negligible. Remember that it is 3rd world countries that are trying to provide for the people, by any means it can. To try and ban those “dirty energy” would leave millions without power and death. Capitalism has risen countries out of destitution. This is a means to control the people.

  • naml-shabazz

    April 19, 2022 at 12:12 pm

    and to add to your point Aris, the whole hyper focus on climate has detracted from actual environmental concerns like shifting water resources, pollinator population collapse, over fishing, soil degradation etc.

    all of these issues have viable real world solutions, unlike climate change which, at best, is ambiguous news-speak

    • shem-gyll

      April 19, 2022 at 12:22 pm

      Here’s a question, why do they not pursue nuclear? If they solve the issue, then they will have nothing to bitch about. They will keep this going forever and ever.

      • joe-vonier

        April 19, 2022 at 4:42 pm

        I’ve been looking a little into nuclear power. I say a little because a lot of it goes over my head. Despite my lack of understanding, what I do see is a manageable and better resource than fossil fuels. Something that lasts SIGNIFICANTLY longer and has little to no effect on the environment when properly managed? This is exactly what we’ve been looking for.

      • naml-shabazz

        April 28, 2022 at 1:28 pm

        dead on my man, they don’t want a solution they want a crisis

  • hunter-rojas

    April 24, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    It’s a complete non-issue that’s scared people so badly, that no one dares entertain the idea to push for nuclear energy, but instead other alternatives that don’t give nearly enough energy output than even coal or oil.

    If you ask me, the new climate change movement is coming from a bunch of misanthropic Gaia worshippers begging for the old gods to return.

    • naml-shabazz

      April 28, 2022 at 1:30 pm

      nuclear power is the way ⚛🚀