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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 168: What’s the best education option?

  • joe-vonier

    May 9, 2022 at 4:26 pm

    As a public school teacher, the kiddie prison analogy is accurate. So many parents treat the school like a daycare and only certain kinds of students are really able to thrive in the environment. So many students I teach need one on one instruction; they get too distracted by having other kids in the classroom or get overwhelmed by too much social interaction. Plus too many schools’ administrations are more interested in the “passing” rates rather than actual education that occurs in the classroom.

  • ben-ceci

    May 9, 2022 at 4:46 pm

    I agree Duke, I worked with schools for 7 years as the football coach. So many parents, and grandparents because the parents are divorced, just drop the kids off like a daycare. Too much is focused on standardized tests and attendance because that’s how they get paid. I believe it was $40 per student per day, I’m sure it’s gone up. I will be homeschooling, but I know that’s not viable for some familes. The most realistic option is school choice, and shitty schools won’t get funded because families won’t choose them.

    • joe-vonier

      May 9, 2022 at 7:29 pm

      I still can’t believe school choice isn’t a thing for general education students. What’s even more unbelievable is that it’s teachers unions that stop school choice from being a reality. I have a hard time believing a teacher that is against school choice is actually a good teacher.

  • TSKJesusFreak

    May 9, 2022 at 10:03 pm

    Homeschooling is by far the best. And in my case, if Jesus gives me wife and kids, well I might need to move to Oklahoma because it’s Constitution protects Homeschooling and I don’t have to tell the state whether or not my kids are Homeschooling or not.

    That is if Jesus wants me to have wife and kids.