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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 179: How do you feel about breastfeeding?

  • ben-ceci

    May 22, 2022 at 5:19 am

    I have no feelings about it, it’s a part of life. Don’t care if women do it in public, but if you do it in public just for the hell of it, that’s annoying. Women are better at multitasking so they can breast feed and do other stuff. They shouldn’t be shamed in public because it is natural, but there is a courtesy to others to not draw too much attention.

    • naml-shabazz

      May 23, 2022 at 1:37 pm

      indeed, the obsession over something that was normal just a decades ago is weird

  • naml-shabazz

    May 23, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    I believe the push to commercialize birthing has a part to play in this, being that it’s more convenient and easier to use formula. You also have the ingredient concern which you mention.