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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 184: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

  • joseph-devlin

    May 25, 2022 at 11:13 am

    I dunno, most people think introvert=shy and reserved, but I don’t fall into that category. I like my space and don’t have an overwhelming need to be around people all the time, or even talk to people every day. I don’t have problems saying what’s on my mind, don’t have problems speaking in public or being in crowds, I just prefer not to. Most of my social interaction revolves around work tbh.

  • hunter-rojas

    June 7, 2022 at 4:20 pm

    I think I’m a mix of both. I don’t mind spending time with other people, I just have somewhat of a hard time conversing with them as I’m not into enough mainstream stuff that could start said conversation. I also feel that said difficulty with conversing with others is amplified when I try to talk to women I am attracted to. Annoys the hell outta me, since I know confidence is key.

  • joe-vonier

    June 8, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    I am an introvert. It is draining for me to socialize with any group of people, whether they be friends or family. This has made it especially difficult for me to maintain friendships, since I naturally do not gravitate towards keeping up with them. I am currently working on this aspect of myself; I have recently incorporated a game night into my life where I will invite people over to hangout. Typically our activities involve tabletop games (introductions the group to Battletech has become a resounding success). Hopefully, I will continue to get better.

  • CaffeinatedWolfe

    June 9, 2022 at 10:45 am

    Despite doing a great many performance activities in high school and college, and being in the public sphere via YouTube and Twitch, I’m actually heavily introverted – preferring to exist in solitude at home or with my select group of trusted friends.

    On stage or in front of a camera is one thing, but in the case of large gatherings outside of that, I need a good bit of time to recharge from being around so many people for an extended period of time.