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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 200: Do you go to conventions?

  • naml-shabazz

    June 10, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Never really been the big social event type. Unless it’s a concert and there were lots of drugs and booze LOL. Since I quit doing all that shit, including drinking this last year, I just don’t have the desire to go to events. And being in the enemy territory nothing has really been active the last 2 years until recently.

  • trevon-davis

    May 30, 2023 at 5:59 pm

    Yep I do, I’ve seen and met plenty celebrities here in Houston Texas. Which ones do Eric July or you like to go to?

    • jokerthefool

      May 31, 2023 at 2:31 am

      I went to Long Island Retro Gaming in 2019. That’s the only con I’ve been to. I know Eric has gone to Anime Matsuri but since he’s busy with the Rippaverse; I don’t think he’s doing too many cons.