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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 209: Do you have kids?

  • redrduck

    June 19, 2022 at 3:48 pm

    I am currently 7 months pregnant. How people parent is directly related to how their parents did or didn’t parent them and how that person sees the world around them today. At 32, I knew if I didn’t have a kid now, I wouldn’t be able to, womens bodies are a time clock. However there’s something to be said for the women who want to but don’t because of the same things you said. Also because they can’t find Mr. Right because media, government, and even our own parents have taught us to not stop with searching. So really it’s on you to decide or not to decide something so big.

    • coursin-hill

      June 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm

      Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope it goes well. The culture today has no value for parenthood at all. Look at how modern feminists view abortion and push late term abortion. It’s apparently a crime against women for me to imply the baby growing inside of you is human. That mindset reflects onto the average young person’s desire to be a parent just like how a parents behavior is reflected in their children.

  • nickjames85

    June 19, 2022 at 4:29 pm

    I have a 9 year old stepson who’s been a blessing for me, for I’m unable to have any

  • hunter-rojas

    June 21, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    No kids, but I’d love to have kids one day. Provided I can find a woman that isn’t a batshit insane, raging feminazi heifer 😂