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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 27: Will the Rippaverse explore political themes?

  • ben-schmidt

    December 19, 2021 at 4:11 pm

    Eric has said in the past that he isn’t interested in making AnCap the comic. That being said he also said that his beliefs are naturally going to seep their way into the Rippaverse, even if it may happen at the subconscious level.

    I think at the minimum we can expect a comic that doesn’t bagger us about politics and just creates an interesting world with interesting characters.

    I think it would be cool if Eric drops in his beliefs as long as the story and characters come first and that it doesn’t break the reader’s immersion.

  • trae-satterfield

    December 20, 2021 at 9:27 am

    This might be too on the nose for more serious storytelling, but it would be hilarious to have a character that constantly tries to insist that his/her race or sexuality is the reason they’re not getting what they want, just to be told and forced to reckon with a very simple and obvious reason instead like “it’s Sunday. They’re closed.” Maybe they could even have blue hair or something and a power set of gaslighting, intolerable whining and emotional manipulation.

    Introducing, the activist. lol.