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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 30: Are you a statist or an anarchist?

  • patricio-mezcal

    December 22, 2021 at 10:35 am

    Perhaps you could provide an explanation so people can know the differences.

    I know Eric explains it and directs towards M Rothbard & towards Mises, but I think it’s a valid question, and I know I’ve been giving it consideration for several months…

    At this point I don’t have any arguments against Minarchist or Anarchist, and Pete Quinones has had several videos contemplating how things would have been had ‘we the people’ stayed under Monarchy.

    It’s a great question, and worth giving deep consideration to.

    • coursin-hill

      December 22, 2021 at 1:54 pm

      Thanks for the response! I figured most people would know but I’ll define the terms the best I can here:

      A statist is someone who believes the State has a right to exist and should enjoy all of the powers it currently has.

      An anarchist is someone who does not believe the state should exist and society should only exist through voluntary organizations

      A minanarchist is someone who believes the state should only exist to protect private property. Prosecute violent criminals and to enforce contracts whether this state should be funded by taxation is debated amongst minanarchists.

  • hunter-rojas

    December 23, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    I was, more or less, always distrustful of the federal gov’t, but it as much as I am now. I thought taxes were a necessary evil, but really liked the “taxation is theft” slogan, even if I just saw it as a meme.

    Summer 2020 comes, and all I could do while watching dozens of cities set ablaze by a bunch of fucking communists while arresting people defending their businesses or tryna keep them afloat during the “pandemic” is just ask “the government allows this?!” Conveniently, YouTube started recommending YoungRippa59 to me, and I eventually read The Anatomy of the State. Truly opened my eyes, and from that day I became a Christian Anarcho-Capitalist.