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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 32: Can there be good politicians?

  • patricio-mezcal

    December 24, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    Regardless of whatever altruistic or idealistic intentions any individual may have upon entering the career of politics, given the corrupt nature of the state at it’s very core, if they are to attain any semblance of effectiveness or pragmatism, they’ll be required to compromise in their initial values. Once that process has begun, forget about any hope of maintaining whatever character they may have begun with.

  • hunter-rojas

    December 25, 2021 at 3:53 am

    Probably me being naive, but Ron and Rand Paul were the only honest politicians. Everyone else, including everyone’s favorite Ron DeSantis, has to be at arms length or more; we don’t know of their true intentions.

    • patricio-mezcal

      December 25, 2021 at 12:16 pm

      Anyone with an ambition towards any position of authority should be questioned. And if they can’t handle being questioned, they don’t have the character for the position.

      Also, as a people we need to learn the difference between power and authority, and stop conflating the two.