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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 786: Have you ever been fired?

  • trevon-davis

    January 27, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    Yes I have, do to complications of my IDD prior to being diagnosed. Work for four years weighted in on my stamina, mood, and desire to persist in long term activity. I’m glad I’ve been back to work now for two and a half years now and am in the right medical condition.

    • jokerthefool

      January 27, 2024 at 1:36 pm

      Sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re doing better and back to work.

  • jojothejo

    February 7, 2024 at 10:44 am

    On many sides of the spectrum! All of these involved retail chains early in my career. When I tightened ship and took work seriously, I was fortunate enough to land jobs with awesome managers and mentors. Respect is a two way street. Which is why I genuinely feel that statement: “You don’t quit companies, you quit people.” is Highly accurate. Except for Microsoft. That whole company is a shit show and it’s starting to become more apparent day by day.

    – Once was not my fault, Gamestop bought Funcoland and That should be all I need to say about that. But I want to emphasize that the people they sent to replace us were the dumbest set of individuals I have ever had to work with and “Train”. Then they got rid of us once they felt comfortable their idiot minions could take over. Short story long: They couldn’t.

    – Once was my fault, and even though my managers and coworkers understood the situation, it was an offense that could (And did!) cause my termination. No bad blood and that whole thing created some of my best friends. So I win.

    – Once I made them fire me and I was genuinely surprised I continued working at that job a solid eight months more before they finally got the testicular fortitude to do something about it. (Two months later they fired that manager because he was useless. Turns out I wasn’t the problem after all. 😀 )

    Otherwise I’ve made lateral and vertical transfers between companies and departments.