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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 797: Did you buy the Apple Vision Pro?

  • jojothejo

    February 7, 2024 at 10:26 am

    I have been genuinely thinking about it. Problem is, I don’t do well with VR/AR. I get motion sickness.

    Many years ago, Disney used to have an arcade called Disney Quest. I can’t remember if it was on a boardwalk, or Downtown Disney or what all, but it was a 5 level arcade in Orlando that was fun and awesome. They had an Aladdin VR experience that was well done, especially for the time. I had to take the headset off a few times to get my bearings and stop myself from puking all over creation. I had also played with a VERY primitive version of VR in the 90s. Think Doom on DOS, but with only lines, no color or polygons. Unfortunately, even with Vive, Oculus, Playstation, Etc… I have not had one good experience with the platform.

    So it’s a limitation of me, not the platform. I love the way Apple products work together, but I don’t think this one will be for me since it’s not true passthrough/AR. It’s simulated. Cool concept, I’m sure great execution, but I’ll put that money towards building a computer instead.

    • jokerthefool

      February 8, 2024 at 4:12 am

      Disney Quest was in Downtown Disney. I remember that place being a lot of fun. They had Fix-It Felix arcade cabinets and whole bunch of retro ones too

      • jojothejo

        February 8, 2024 at 8:15 am

        I’m glad I’m not the only one that remembers the place! Too bad they tore it down for something else. 🙁