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Forum Forums General Discussion Daily Poll 808: Do you use CDs?

  • jojothejo

    February 20, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    CDs not so much, but there are a lot of niche little physical copies of things that either aren’t available digitally or just do not sound as good. David Bowie’s Peter and The Wolf comes to mind. You can stream it on Spotify, but only if you have premium, otherwise it goes into random and doesn’t play the album properly. It is also compressed and not as warm and present for a pair of old JBLs or Cerwin Vega Floor Speakers.

    Plus, it doesn’t matter if the internet goes out, I can still play CDs, records, and even tapes! Yes, I’m that old and yes I have a functional tape player. And a VCR. Just saying. I plan on upgrading my house with either a generator or a solar roof/battery back up combo sometime in the near future, so if we get another week long freeze, I can still run my fridge, my heater, and my stereo. If the power is out, so is the internet, as the local nodes/pedestals need power as well. And although the “Network” at home is supposed to keep things connected, everything relies on the external web, so your at home Plex server may not function correctly, your AppleTV or Chromecast may not function correctly… But a Record player will still be able to spin and a cd player’s laser will still be able to read.
    This obviously doesn’t include problems with changes in the mediums like Disney changing lyrics in Aladdin’s opening song, changing Lilo’s hiding place from a dryer to a pizza box, changing the length of Daryl Hannah’s hair in Splash to cover her butt crack, or just pulling an entire season of Willow off the service on a whim and suddenly you don’t have access to media as it was or potentially at all. But that’s a different argument for a different day.

    • jokerthefool

      February 21, 2024 at 4:03 am

      I agree physical media is the way to go. Streaming is liable to be censored or removed entirely.