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  • Dove Soap

    Posted by jojothejo on May 24, 2023 at 3:32 pm

    Maybe I’m just old and cynical at this stage… But after Dove complained about Brendan Frasier wearing a fat suit earlier this year and now releasing a “Body Positive” female video game character in a commercial… I had a flashback.

    I suddenly remembered an old 90s commercial for Sure deodorant where the last two examples of “Sure. Unsure.” were two video game characters and one was able to grab a rope and swing across a chasm because he was confident (“Sure”) he “Was dry” (Read: didn’t stink). Player Two was not confident (“Unsure”) about his sweaty armpits, so he brought his arms close to his body and failed the jump.

    Short story long: Why is Dove worried about how society judges your appearance and not how you engage in acts of domestic violence and chemical warfare against society when you show up to a convention having not showered since before your last 120 hour play through of Skyrim that you swore you would change game styles on but ended up putting the same stupid points in to the same stupid skills and running the eighth version of effectively the same fuggin character?

    Maybe sometimes Toxic Masculinity literally means toxic pH levels and bloodborne pathogens and people go home with Con Crud because you bought one of the body positive bottles of Dove soap two years ago and have yet to use it. Stop calling all gamers fat (74% of women, apparently… According to Dove.) and start calling some of them stank and work to make a less odorous convention for all of us. Sure may not have called out gamers for being stinky back then, Granted, they weren’t called “Gamers” yet either… But nonetheless, Sure saw video games as popular and was forward thinking enough to make a satirical joke about it.

    Anyhoo: Here’s the YouTube link to the old 90s Sure commercial that I referenced for you youngins that don’t remember: https://youtu.be/QxPqqj6iJ1M

    kawlinz replied 1 year, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • jokerthefool

    May 25, 2023 at 3:08 am

    Dove soap like all the big brands of soap use titanium dioxide in their bars of soaps. These companies formulate their products as cheaply as possible so they can do this ridiculous marketing to have a brand to keep people from waking up to just how shit their shit is.

    • jojothejo

      May 25, 2023 at 4:05 pm

      I could not care less what’s in Dove or most soaps to be honest. And to be fair, I don’t know what the hell Titanium Dioxide is, but I will assume it smells better than the dude who hasn’t showered in two days after playing roller hockey outside in the middle of August in the humid Georgia heat and has the nerve to just roll out of bed with sheets that haven’t been washed in six months thinking he’s about to go to a convention and attack other people with his body odor.

      Shoot, McDonalds isn’t the healthiest of options either, but given the choice between eating a cheeseburger and not eating at all, I choose the unhealthy cheeseburger.

      • jokerthefool

        May 26, 2023 at 1:24 pm

        Your skin absorbs what you put onto it and it does affect your health. I’m not saying never shower or eat but you can use soaps that are made from natural saponified oils and eat food that isn’t hyper palatable garbage contaminated with heavy metals. Titanium dioxide is used as a dye to make food and soaps look whiter and it’s carcinogenic as well as possibly causing gut issues since cells can’t break down the nanoparticales

  • kawlinz

    May 28, 2023 at 9:28 pm

    The Dove campaign has been about “shattering” beauty standards for a while.

    Meanwhile, Axe (made by Unilever, same as Dove) has a guy put on some deodorant and who chases him? No uglies. No non-binaries with bangs and a shaved head with 14 facial piercings. Just a bunch of traditionally sexy women.

    But you’re still old and cynical. Me too.