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Forum Forums General Discussion Suggestions and Evolution of the Site

  • Suggestions and Evolution of the Site

    Posted by Sheepsidian on November 21, 2021 at 5:12 pm

    Hey howdy!

    I’m making an official thread for suggestions that you would like to see taken into consideration when it comes to this site. Engagement is always one of the best things you can offer to a site, and I know there are a few here that would like to see some more happen. The site is still in its infancy and that means we have plenty of room to cement in history one of the best communities ever.

    I will pass along some of the previous suggestions to the team and we will hash out how we’ll approach them. Along with that, we have some other ideas cooking up in the back, so stay tuned and expect great things.

    Leave any suggestions for what you’d like to see with this site here and I’ll get those ideas to the team as well.

    Be Great!

    – Sheepsidian

    kawlinz replied 1 year, 1 month ago 30 Members · 56 Replies
  • 56 Replies
  • coursin-hill

    November 22, 2021 at 6:25 am

    I think the first thing you guys could do would be to add some more sections. I can think of music, anime and manga sections that could be added pretty easy.

    Also make a trello board or something like that so we can see what the team is doing and has planned.

    • Sheepsidian

      November 22, 2021 at 2:50 pm

      I’ll let the team know and add in some insight from how the Discord is structured. A few more boards would be good though.

      • coursin-hill

        November 23, 2021 at 1:07 pm

        Thanks. A lot of forums have a section that let’s you know who’s online. Would be useful since this forum has the ability to dm people.

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    • Sheepsidian

      November 22, 2021 at 2:52 pm

      That might take a little more finesse as far as setup goes, but I’ll see what the site devs can do.

      • This content has been hidden as the member is suspended.
  • HorrorAmorata

    November 22, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    You probably want some way to pin Admin messages, like this thread to the top.

    • Sheepsidian

      November 22, 2021 at 11:40 pm

      I just forgot to pin it. lol

  • cerebralcrit

    November 23, 2021 at 12:05 am

    Profile Fields Suggestions:

    – Gamertags

    – Discord Username

    Forum Threads:

    – LFG

    – Creative’s Corner/Lounge

  • shem-gyll

    November 24, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    Yo, I just thought of this, back in the day the group I ran with held each other accountable as far working out. Now this is just a suggestion, but it would be cool to see a chart where members are able to sign in and check off your workouts. I remember being shamed for skipping a day or actually motivated to workout on those days. Want to make this site unique, this is one way.

  • HorrorAmorata

    November 25, 2021 at 4:52 pm

    Edit button

  • charles.zoch

    November 26, 2021 at 10:27 pm

    Does Eric have a P.O. box to send cool shit to, and if so, can you add the address to the site?

    • Sheepsidian

      December 5, 2021 at 11:11 pm

      He does. I forgot what his PO Box is, but he has one. I believe it’s on his YouTube page.

  • shem-gyll

    November 30, 2021 at 3:04 pm

    @Sheepsidian any update to the any of this, I quit being a Mack on Youtube and I can’t access his videos anymore. Anyway we can bring that in here?

    • Sheepsidian

      December 5, 2021 at 11:13 pm

      The new features take time to get done, but they’re being worked on. Eric does want to integrate his podcast to the site, so that’s definitely in the works.

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    • Sheepsidian

      December 5, 2021 at 11:13 pm

      Apple certification is a headache. The techs are still ironing that out, and we’ll have good news rolling out when it’s all set.

  • weRtankman

    December 9, 2021 at 12:08 am


    Thank you for taking the time to comment and follow up. Eric clearly has a great team. Below in no specific order I have thrown out a few random ideas. Take or leave them as you wish, and I would like to add a humble 2nd to just about all the comments I have seen thus far.

    >Major longterm goal: I assume would be to have the lion’s share of Eric’s daily content originating from this site so we don’t have to jump onto another platform to comment/engage. This, however, I assume is a function of whether Eric can maintain a more meaningful following on other forums.

    >No Agenda, which I used to follow more closely has been a major leader in leveraging their listeners (they call them “producers”) to generate as much content for the show as possible. I’m sure Eric and the team are aware of this, but given No Agenda’s relative success, I think it might be worth doing a fairly deep dive into what has worked for them. On of their goals is to not have any overhead/employees and to have the show subsist on a “value for value” donation model. They have embraced a peerage type designation for major donors and on their shows have two sections for donations and user content. They have been doing meetups and also create all their merch through their producers. Their forum is run on discord (if I’m not mistaken). To summarize, I think we need to be creative in how we approach systematically engaging and expanding the audience to foster positive feedback loops…If I had more specific ideas here I would list them, but I think there is a lot to borrow from No Agenda and others.

    >At some point I could imagine the merch offerings benefiting from a bit of a refresh and/or possibly adding some items that are a bit more understated, while still being authentic to Eric’s vision/style.

    >Voting/ranking functionality will help a lot once we have it in helping users understand what is getting the most traction, but I think this has already been said.

    >Perhaps during this transition/ground level stage Eric could spend some time during his podcast talking about content from the forum. I’m just trying to think of a way to bridge the gap from youtube and this platform in his daily content to help facilitate the migration. Perhaps he could kind of create some exclusive forum only content that he teases somewhere during the show.

    I’m going to leave it there. Sorry that got long. While writing this I realized it’s not that easy to figure this out. Bless you and your team for shouldering it. This process will clearly take a lot of time and patience so take it easy and I hope you guys are enjoying the animating endeavor.

    much love:]


  • Freedom-Titan

    December 12, 2021 at 2:32 am

    Anime forum, Lifting/Bodybuilding/Workout forum, Book Club

  • coursin-hill

    December 14, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    A way to gift memberships would be nice. A free month given to specific people could do good for the userbase of the forum

  • mike-hasemann

    December 14, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    A way of upgrading to other membership levels after making the initial account

  • emily-hoppe

    December 18, 2021 at 1:30 pm

    Content creator section to pimp and colB woth others

  • patricio-vela

    December 19, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Thumbs up and thumbs down buttons with counter on both like youtube used to have.

    • bennett-seacrist

      December 23, 2021 at 9:44 am

      Video section that just embeds member content from google tube?

      • naml-shabazz

        January 15, 2022 at 4:06 pm

        odysee and rumble maybe too

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