Underutilized/ Underrated Fiction Character Franchises
Who do you wish would be used more of in any medium to tell and expand there lore for more entertainment value that doesn’t get many adaptations or continued story succession?
For me I’m a bit of a Zorro fan. I could imagine some modern director/writer doing a fantastic job with that myth. I know Zorro is in Dynamite Comics but he has not been used much besides the Antonio Banderas movies and way back in the past!
I would love to see his lore done almost like a cross between the last Batman movie and 007 Bond type of Stealth Thriller/ Action Adventure in a movie franchise.
My mind gets deep with thought training 😂 but what are y’all’s favorite character who doesn’t get any media shine or promotion?
One Last Thought: I would love more Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow Horror movies!