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  • jojothejo

    March 6, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    The original screen shot I took wouldn’t attach for some reason. Here’s a pic of one of the knives.

  • jojothejo

    March 6, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    Dancing is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.

    That being said, it takes two to Tango and most TikTok dances are just for entertainment purposes.

  • jojothejo

    February 20, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    CDs not so much, but there are a lot of niche little physical copies of things that either aren’t available digitally or just do not sound as good. David Bowie’s Peter and The Wolf comes to mind. You can stream it on Spotify, but only if you have premium, otherwise it goes into random and doesn’t play the album properly. It is also compressed and not as warm and present for a pair of old JBLs or Cerwin Vega Floor Speakers.

    Plus, it doesn’t matter if the internet goes out, I can still play CDs, records, and even tapes! Yes, I’m that old and yes I have a functional tape player. And a VCR. Just saying. I plan on upgrading my house with either a generator or a solar roof/battery back up combo sometime in the near future, so if we get another week long freeze, I can still run my fridge, my heater, and my stereo. If the power is out, so is the internet, as the local nodes/pedestals need power as well. And although the “Network” at home is supposed to keep things connected, everything relies on the external web, so your at home Plex server may not function correctly, your AppleTV or Chromecast may not function correctly… But a Record player will still be able to spin and a cd player’s laser will still be able to read.
    This obviously doesn’t include problems with changes in the mediums like Disney changing lyrics in Aladdin’s opening song, changing Lilo’s hiding place from a dryer to a pizza box, changing the length of Daryl Hannah’s hair in Splash to cover her butt crack, or just pulling an entire season of Willow off the service on a whim and suddenly you don’t have access to media as it was or potentially at all. But that’s a different argument for a different day.

  • jojothejo

    February 8, 2024 at 8:19 am

    Even tough I’ve always been more Team Xbox than Team Playstation, both of them have been breaking my heart as of late. I find myself less and less inclined to watch their broadcasts or follow their social media posts anymore.
    Team Nintendo is still my favorite. Hoping they don’t lose as much steam. Pun intended.

  • jojothejo

    February 7, 2024 at 10:44 am

    On many sides of the spectrum! All of these involved retail chains early in my career. When I tightened ship and took work seriously, I was fortunate enough to land jobs with awesome managers and mentors. Respect is a two way street. Which is why I genuinely feel that statement: “You don’t quit companies, you quit people.” is Highly accurate. Except for Microsoft. That whole company is a shit show and it’s starting to become more apparent day by day.

    – Once was not my fault, Gamestop bought Funcoland and That should be all I need to say about that. But I want to emphasize that the people they sent to replace us were the dumbest set of individuals I have ever had to work with and “Train”. Then they got rid of us once they felt comfortable their idiot minions could take over. Short story long: They couldn’t.

    – Once was my fault, and even though my managers and coworkers understood the situation, it was an offense that could (And did!) cause my termination. No bad blood and that whole thing created some of my best friends. So I win.

    – Once I made them fire me and I was genuinely surprised I continued working at that job a solid eight months more before they finally got the testicular fortitude to do something about it. (Two months later they fired that manager because he was useless. Turns out I wasn’t the problem after all. 😀 )

    Otherwise I’ve made lateral and vertical transfers between companies and departments.

  • jojothejo

    February 7, 2024 at 10:26 am

    I have been genuinely thinking about it. Problem is, I don’t do well with VR/AR. I get motion sickness.

    Many years ago, Disney used to have an arcade called Disney Quest. I can’t remember if it was on a boardwalk, or Downtown Disney or what all, but it was a 5 level arcade in Orlando that was fun and awesome. They had an Aladdin VR experience that was well done, especially for the time. I had to take the headset off a few times to get my bearings and stop myself from puking all over creation. I had also played with a VERY primitive version of VR in the 90s. Think Doom on DOS, but with only lines, no color or polygons. Unfortunately, even with Vive, Oculus, Playstation, Etc… I have not had one good experience with the platform.

    So it’s a limitation of me, not the platform. I love the way Apple products work together, but I don’t think this one will be for me since it’s not true passthrough/AR. It’s simulated. Cool concept, I’m sure great execution, but I’ll put that money towards building a computer instead.

  • jojothejo

    December 7, 2023 at 10:35 am

    I feel like this is one of those situations where neither COVID nor Obesity is a good scenario to be in. As such, they definitely cannot be good to have together.

    That being said, there was an attempted suicide in Missouri and a motorcycle accident in Florida that were both considered “COVID-19 Related” deaths. That’s obviously a false statement. Those individuals died from injuries from their respective incidents and COVID just happened to be present at the same time.

    I’m not the biggest fan of Patrick Bet-David. He has the Bro/Bully interviewer thing Rogan does that annoys the hell out of me. But I saw a clip recently where he was interviewing Robert F. Kennedy and tried to corner RFK with the “But you gotta answer the question, Bro!” type of response when RFK said he needed to know more about the subject. Then RFK did an amazing thing of dropping knowledge from the last 60 years that made the question Patrick asked look minuscule in perspective. What PBD asked was barely a drop in the bucket of the bigger picture and RFK proceeded to school PBD on that. And then reiterated that he did not know enough specifically about the question PBD asked him to answer.

    I feel like that’s what happened with COVID. “THEY DIED CAUSE COVID, BRO!”. You’re right… It wasn’t the 17 double cheese burgers they had yesterday that caused their heart attack and the lack of a big enough ambulance to haul their 670lb ass to the hospital. It was The Rona. Clearly.

    In other news: People who have more birthdays tend to live longer than those that don’t.

  • jojothejo

    August 11, 2023 at 1:29 pm
  • jojothejo

    February 26, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    Exactly! I rented a car for a trip last year and the stupid thing thought it could swerve whenever someone got too close to me. That’s great to avoid the collision, except the part where you potentially cause me to hit a completely different car in another lane when I swerve towards them making me the at fault party. I don’t need that feature.

    I DO need a swappable radio. But these car manufacturers have this idea that they can tell you how to drive their vehicle that they don’t want you to own flat out, but they get mad you want to change their sound. It’s weird.
    I hope you do build out your 90s/00s truck! That actually sounds amazing! I’ll probably buy new because certain areas, like DFW, trucks and sports cars are treated like dirt. So they almost always have issues when they’re sold used. So, unless it’s a sedan, I’m buying new. I’m just not sure which set of headaches (Toyota, Ford, or Ram) I want to have as far as changing out the radio and filling out the sound.

    But seriously, you start building out an old truck and I’ll donate to the cause! It’s a dying art. LEast I can do is get you a Optima Yellow Top battery or something!

  • jojothejo

    February 23, 2024 at 9:38 am

    Verizon used to be the de facto carrier in DC as all the metro lines and tunnels were supposed to be covered by them. In truth, that only worked about half the time at best. I think the contract was opened up to allow all major carriers work through the Metro system, but I haven’t heard or cared too much about it since I moved away from DC.

    AT&T is headquartered here in Dallas, Texas. I’m more on the Fort Worth side, but I have the same problem. I can’t get a signal to save my life at the local grocery store/town center. You would imagine the city that a cellular carrier is headquartered in should have the whole city covered, but that is not the case.

    As for T-Mobile, I was a multi decade Sprint customer until T-Mobile came in and messed everything up. I didn’t have a functional voicemail for nearly a year… The year I was looking for a new job. So that was HIGHLY inconvenient.

    Like I said, I have my issues with all three major carriers who are supposed to work… but I don’t have a single issue with CDs, which always work. It used to be that if your CD player broke, you could just swap out the radio with aftermarket like Alpine, Pioneer, or Kenwood. You can’t do that with most cars and trucks anymore. So aside from taking away CD players, they’ve taken away choice. And then something like this happens as a gentle reminder that sometimes a car is just a car and shouldn’t be in charge of driving. Or recording all your data and sending it back to the clouds.

    But that’s just my long winded two cents. 😛

  • jojothejo

    February 8, 2024 at 8:15 am

    I’m glad I’m not the only one that remembers the place! Too bad they tore it down for something else. 🙁

  • jojothejo

    January 22, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Absolutely! The artwork has been great in Isom and Alphacore. I’m excited for what’s next.

    The artwork in Cyber Frog is great too, but honestly I’m not going to help EVS crowdfund again so he can spend his time trying to troll other independent comic book publishers. I don’t like bullies and I think this kind of BS will eventually tarnish All Caps Comics, making it harder to sell their books.

  • jojothejo

    December 5, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    I wish BS didn’t have to be so synonymous with DEI. I’m all for talent, no matter where it comes from. I just don’t want a liar.

    Swapping sticks of RAM, regulating the voltage of DIMM slots, and min config are a few ways you can troubleshoot memory. Complaining that Apple solders its DIMM(s) onto the motherboard isn’t troubleshooting. Running a 3rd party piece of software that tells you where the problem is isn’t troubleshooting.

    It’s not rocket surgery.

  • jojothejo

    July 20, 2023 at 9:59 am

    I used to consider Blizzard the Gold standard during the original Warcraft days, before the MMORPG. Starcraft and Diablo were just icing on the cake from a company that put out such great products that I was willing to wait for, no matter how many times they were delayed. And I was a fan of World of Warcraft when it first launched through its first two expansions. But now Blizzard is the company that best represents most if not all of the seven deadly sins.

    <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”>Diablo 3 was a joke. I could just keep tapping the left mouse button with my right toe while doing something else and I would eventually finish the game. World of Warcraft started having an </font>unnecessary<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> barrage of issues both physical and political, the Diablo mobile game was built for and by China with barely a Blizzard license on it which was an absolute money grab and a slap to the face of all Blizzard fans, and dropping Blitzchung were what finally got me to step away from them… And that was before the fallout and the “Cosby Room”. </font>

    Clearly something changed and they went from making games for the players to making money for themselves. I figured maybe some of the eSports staff could have transferred to either something within Microsoft or maybe another first party/AAA developer. But no. This was cruel.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  JoJoTheJo. Reason: I hit post the website added unnecessary HTM/XML font language that was clearly visible within the post. I did not add any font changes to my post, so I don't know where those came from
  • jojothejo

    May 25, 2023 at 4:05 pm

    I could not care less what’s in Dove or most soaps to be honest. And to be fair, I don’t know what the hell Titanium Dioxide is, but I will assume it smells better than the dude who hasn’t showered in two days after playing roller hockey outside in the middle of August in the humid Georgia heat and has the nerve to just roll out of bed with sheets that haven’t been washed in six months thinking he’s about to go to a convention and attack other people with his body odor.

    Shoot, McDonalds isn’t the healthiest of options either, but given the choice between eating a cheeseburger and not eating at all, I choose the unhealthy cheeseburger.

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